
Day at the beach.

I decided we were long over due for a family vacation, so I though a quick day trip to Carmel would be a lovely adventure. Carmel is a quaint little beach town that favors our four legged friend. They allow dogs to roam leash less on the beach and have hotels and restaurants that cater to them as well. They provide restroom facilites for all legged mammals!

Most store fronts had dog dishes with water for our furry friend. There were dogs all over!

It was a gorgeous day so we grabbed lunch at Forge in the Forest.
Doc and I both got sandwiches and Ollie dined on his very own "Quarter Hounder". We got sit in the back patio with many other dogs and Ollie was behaving very well. There were a couple of moments of excitement with other dogs fighting over food, but generally everyone was really nice and calm.
After lunch we decided to head to Ocean beach to check out the crowd. Since the day was full of sunshine, there were plenty of folks out to see.
Ollie is always up to making new friends. With all the new butts to smell, he was having a great time!Playing a game of fetch is always a treat!

And tromping in the water to cool off makes for a smelly dog.

See you later, Alligator!

So three weeks have passed and Cosmo is ready to go home. At first we didn't know how Ollie would do with a new dog in the house. We were skeptical about his territorial behavior and possibly jealousy that would ensue. Of course the latter happened but in the whole scheme of things everything worked out.


King of the House

Ollie has certainly made sure that this is HIS house. He knows every corner and crevice of our home and has certainly made himself comfortable. Along with having great house manners, Oliver has had his test in limits but for sure since the arrival and departure of his friend Cosmo, Ollie is back to being the king of his home.
Lately Doc's had some run ins with mice on our property. Though we humans aren't fans of them, Mr. Oliver Stanley has been the BEST hunter! I'll take him over any cat ANY day! When we say the phrase "Get the mouse!" he's frantically sniffing and searching for any scent trails of the little critters. Though I cringe at the day that he catches one and decides to give it to us as a gift, I'm glad to know he's willing to "Protect and Serve" us proudly!