
If you can't Beat em, Join em!

I must admit. I've become one of the those pet owners that have gone Koo Koo over CoCo puffs. In this case, I'm obsessive over my dog. I think he's the cutest, sweetest, funniest, smartest, best behaved dog in the whole wide world! And of course I need to capture all this on film. So last night around bedtime, I drag Oliver's bed into our room and he sleeps at the foot of our bed. One thing we've been trying to teach him is that whole settling down period. He still doesn't understand that, so he insists on "play" time. Which of course involves his favorite "Cow" friend. He will sit at the foot of the bed with Cow in his mouth looking at you with those big brown puppy dog eyes. Like he's begging you to pick up the cow and chuck it as far as you can. I'm usually the strong one and will ignore the cuteness. David of course caves in a may throw it out for Ollie to fetch. Well last night, Oliver was sick of waiting for us, that he fell asleep on his bed with Cow tucked under his ear. Trust me, he did this himself because of his collar. Of course like any doting parent, the first thing I grab is the camera and start shooting away. Of course, by the end of the photo shoot, his look of " Are you done yet? Can I go back to sleep?!" is priceless.

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